Property & Business Appraisal, Feasibility Study, Advisory.
It's almost like a management report card. By getting a valuation done on some periodic basis, it can give a business owner a sense of how much their business increased or decreased during some certain time period.
[Alex Kindler]
What's New
Indonesia will seek an independent appraiser to value a stake in a Newmont Mining Corp venture that the Southeast Asian nation plans to buy, a minister said. “The gap of what Newmont asked for t
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Our Project


KJPP Benedictus Darmapuspita & Rekan was established in Jakarta in the year of 2008, serving as a new form of public appraisal firm substituting PT. Asian Appraisal Indonesia (established in 1973) subject to Minister of Finance decision letter No. 125/PMK.01/2008 date September 3, 2008 regarding Public Appraisal Services, which is the latest version from previous decision letter No. 57/KMK.017/1996 and No. 106/PMK.01/2006.


KJPP Benedictus Darmapuspita & Rekan is managed by Managing Partner and Partners, all of them have passed the Valuer Certification Examination, and posses The Valuer Licence issued by Minister of Finance.

KJPP Benedictus Darmapuspita & Rekan has been registered in Capital Market Supervisory Board (BAPEPAM) as capital market


supporting profession. KJPP Benedictus Darmapuspita & Rekan continuously develops the database and existence supported by qualified registered valuers, experienced in asset valuation (real estate, plant and machinery and agriculture), business valuation, as well as other related services and all of them have become the members of MAPPI (Indonesian Society of Appraisal)...

Business Valuation Division

Business valuation is the act or process of arriving at an opinion or estimation of the value of a business or entity or an interest therein.

Machinary Valuation Division

The machinery valuation division is supported by machinery valuers, with formal education majoring in mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, and electro engineering, mostly members of MAPPI (Indonesian Society of Appraiser).

Agro Valuation Division

Our agro valuation division is supported by agro valuers, who possessed bachelor or master degree in agriculture engineering, and have all become MAPPI (Indonesian Society of Appraiser) members.

Real Estate Division

Our real estate division is supported by real estate valuers with formal education majoring in civil engineering, mostly members of MAPPI (Indonesian Society of Appraisers).