Business valuation is the act or process of arriving at an opinion or estimation of the value of a business or entity or an interest therein.
Who is Our Team?Our business valuation division is supported by business valuers, mostly members of MAPPI (Indonesian Society of Appraisers), and all have a bachelor or masteral degree in finance as the background.
What is Our Task?The task of business valuation division are to undertake all services in business valuation, interest, comercial papers and its derivatives, company's rights and liabilities, intangible asset, economical damages, and fairness opinion.
What are The Approaches and Methodologies?
Why do We Need Business Valuation services?
Business valuation is comonly undertake for several purposes below:
Our Experience The experience of business valuation divisions are among others:
Who is Our Team?
The machinery valuation division is supported by machinery valuers, with formal education majoring in mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, and electro engineering, mostly members of MAPPI (Indonesian Society of Appraiser).
What is Our Task?
The task of this division is to undertake all services of valuation related to plant, machinery and equipment as well as aircraft, ships and vessels.
What are The Approaches and Methodologies?
The approaches and methodologies that are used ,
Why do We Need Machinery and Equipment Valuation Services?
Machinery and equipment valuation is comonly undertake for purposes below:
Our Experience
The machinery division has a vast experience in undertaking valuation, that covers:
Who is Our Team?
Our agro valuation division is supported by agro valuers, who possessed bachelor or master degree in agriculture engineering, and have all become MAPPI (Indonesian Society of Appraiser) members.
What is Our Task?
The task of this division covers the services such as study, valuation, project monitoring, and plant census of various crops, to support various purposes of corporate actions.
What are The Approaches and Methodologies?
The approaches and methodologies that are used ,
Why do We Need Agro Valuation Services?
Agro valuation is comonly undertake for purposes below:
Who is Our Team?
Our real estate division is supported by real estate valuers with formal education majoring in civil engineering, mostly members of MAPPI (Indonesian Society of Appraisers).
What is Our Task?
The task of real estate division are to undertake all services in valuation, project monitoring, highest and best use study related to property (land and/or buildings and other land improvement).
What are The Approaches and Methodologies? The approaches and methodologies that are used ,
Why do We Need Real Estate Valuation Services?
Real Estate Valuation is comonly undertake for purposes below:
Our Experience
The experience of real estate divisions are among others: