Property & Business Appraisal, Feasibility Study, Advisory.
It's almost like a management report card. By getting a valuation done on some periodic basis, it can give a business owner a sense of how much their business increased or decreased during some certain time period.
[Alex Kindler]
What's New
Bumi Requests More Time To Review Asset Report
Coal producer PT Bumi Resources has asked for more time to review a draft audit opinion report by the Indonesian Professional Appraisers Society (MAPPI) on the valuation of three assets Bumi has acquired. “They asked for more time to review the draft report,” said Eddy Sugito, a listing director at the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), on Monday. MAPPI began investigating the three Bumi transactions for the IDX and capital-market regulator Bapepam-LK after the coal giant paid... More info
Indonesia to Seek Independent Valuation of Newmont Unit Stake
Indonesia will seek an independent appraiser to value a stake in a Newmont Mining Corp venture that the Southeast Asian nation plans to buy, a minister said. “The gap of what Newmont asked for the stake and the price the government is seeking is too wide,” Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Purnomo Yusgiantoro told reporters today in Jakarta. “An independent appraiser will determine a price.” An arbitration panel on March 31 ruled Denver-based Newmont,... More info
Business Valuation Division

Business valuation is the act or process of arriving at an opinion or estimation of the value of a business or entity or an interest therein.

Machinary Valuation Division

The machinery valuation division is supported by machinery valuers, with formal education majoring in mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, and electro engineering, mostly members of MAPPI (Indonesian Society of Appraiser).

Agro Valuation Division

Our agro valuation division is supported by agro valuers, who possessed bachelor or master degree in agriculture engineering, and have all become MAPPI (Indonesian Society of Appraiser) members.

Real Estate Division

Our real estate division is supported by real estate valuers with formal education majoring in civil engineering, mostly members of MAPPI (Indonesian Society of Appraisers).