Property & Business Appraisal, Feasibility Study, Advisory.
It's almost like a management report card. By getting a valuation done on some periodic basis, it can give a business owner a sense of how much their business increased or decreased during some certain time period.
[Alex Kindler]
Staff » Detail

I Gusti Ngurah Agung Haridhira, S.E., M.Ec.Dev., MAPPI (Cert)

License and Membership:

  • Licensed Appraiser from Financial Ministry : P-1.17.00482 
  • Licensed Appraiser from Financial Ministry : B-1.18.00515 
  • MAPPI : 13-S-04065 


  • Bachelor of Economics, Udayana University, Bali 
  • Master of Economics Development, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta 

Occupation and Experience: 

  • Partner of KJPP Benedictus Darmapuspita dan Rekan 
  • Head of Denpasar Branch Office 
  • Having experience in valuation for 7 years.
Others Staff
Timbul N. Nainggolan, S.SE., MAPPI (Cert)
License and Membership: Licensed Appraiser from Financial Ministry : P – 1.09.00123  Registered in OJK (Capital Market) with Number STTD.PP-31/PM.2/2018  Registered in OJK (IKNB) with ...
Nur Febryantri, S.P., MAPPI (Cert)
License and Membership: Licensed Appraiser from Financial Ministry : P-1.16.00464  Registered in OJK (Capital Market) with number STTD.PP-148/PM.223/2019  Registered in OJK (IKNB) with ...
R. Bhakti Nugroho, S.H., M.H., M.Ec.Dev., MAPPI (Cert)
License and Membership: Licensed Appraiser from Financial Ministry : P – 1.14.00411  MAPPI : 97 – S – 01807  Education: Bachelor of Law,  Tujuh Belas Agustus ...
Ir. B. Supriyanto D., M.Sc., MAPPI (Cert)
Managing Partner License and Membership: Licensed Appraiser from Financial Ministry : PB – 1.09.00121  Registered in OJK (Capital Market) with number STTD.PPB-18/ PM.2/2018  Register ...
Business Valuation Division

Business valuation is the act or process of arriving at an opinion or estimation of the value of a business or entity or an interest therein.

Machinary Valuation Division

The machinery valuation division is supported by machinery valuers, with formal education majoring in mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, and electro engineering, mostly members of MAPPI (Indonesian Society of Appraiser).

Agro Valuation Division

Our agro valuation division is supported by agro valuers, who possessed bachelor or master degree in agriculture engineering, and have all become MAPPI (Indonesian Society of Appraiser) members.

Real Estate Division

Our real estate division is supported by real estate valuers with formal education majoring in civil engineering, mostly members of MAPPI (Indonesian Society of Appraisers).